Important Resources


If you are a Broomfield Resident and need financial assistance, call Broomfield FISH at 303-465-1600. 

If you qualify or have another question please leave your name, phone number, and a brief reason for the call. If you live outside the county, please do not leave a message as we are currently experiencing high call volume. Please call the organization that is specific to your county.

Click HERE for a printable version of our participant newsletter.

Broomfield Unite Us Public Resource Directory

Check out the one-stop-shop for all health and human services needs for all ages with the Unite Us Public Resource Directory. Broken down by age and topic, the Unite Us Resource Guide comes with a referral platform with easy to use interactive search tools to help you find local resources that suit your needs.

Housing Resources

Visit the Broomfield Housing Alliance’s Community Resource List.

Energy/Utilities Assistance

Did you know you can get help with your past due Energy Bill from Broomfield FISH? If you could use help; give FISH a call at 303-465-1600.

LEAP can help heat YOUR home.

LEAP, Colorado’s Low-income Energy Assistance Program, helps eligible Coloradans with winter home heating costs. Check out this video to learn what LEAP is, who is eligible, and how to apply and get approved for Colorado LEAP. Click here to see the LEAP application handbook.

Dietary Needs

At Broomfield FISH, we understand the diversity of our community and value the importance of food in people’s lives. We strive to accommodate as much as possible all of our participants’ food needs with gluten-free, dairy-free, vegan, and other special options to attend to your dietary and cultural needs. If you have any questions, suggestions, or concerns, talk to one of our staff members or email us at [email protected].

Need More Food? 

Remember you can visit the Mobile Pantry at Centennial Elementary School (13200 Westlake Dr. – in the cul-de-sac near school parking lot) on the second and fourth Wednesday of each month from 1:30pm to 3:30pm.

Community Food Share’s Food Finder Map: Find food resources in Boulder and Broomfield Counties

Check out other pantries and food resources in Boulder and Broomfield County using the calendar below. Click here for a quick description on how to use the Boulder and Broomfield Counties Food Resource Calendar.

City & County Updates

Broomfield’s Department of Public Health and Environment has great information about vaccines, mental health resources, and more to help you life a healthy lifestyle. Visit their website here.

Parenting Resources

Broomfield Early Childhood Council has many resources to support parents. Visit their website here.

Emotional Support and Well-Being

Health workers are available by phone and online to help connect you to local resources including access to well-being resources and more. To connect with Mental Health Partners, click here or call 303-545-0852. 

Pandemic EBT (P-EBT)

Email [email protected] with your P-EBT questions or visit

Stay in touch with the Broomfield Housing Solutions Forum!

To sign up to receive notices from the Broomfield Housing Solutions Forum, please email Adrianna via [email protected].


    What if I live outside of Broomfield?

    2-1-1 is a confidential and multilingual service connecting people to vital resources across the state. No matter where you live in Colorado, you can find information about resources.


    Heat Help Line

    If you are outside of Broomfield County and need utility help call 1-866-432-8435.

    For Financial Assistance

    • Adams county residents call Almost Home at 303-659-6199 and follow the prompts.
    • Jefferson county residents call The Action Center at 303-237-7704.


    Broomfield FISH

    6 Garden Center
    Broomfield, CO 80020

    [email protected]


    Interested in hosting a food drive? Please fill out this form.


    By Appointment Only

    Monday-Friday 9 am to 5 pm, please call 303-465-1600 or email [email protected].


    Marketplace Shopping

    Monday 12:00 pm – 4:30 pm
    Tuesday 10:00 am - 3:30 pm
    Wednesday 1:30 pm - 6:00 pm
    Friday 12:00 pm - 4:30 pm

    Thursday – CLOSED

    Tax ID #84-1591870


    The Family Resource Center Association supports Colorado’s Family Resource Centers in their work to help families achieve their goals and thrive.